Intro and Welcome

Hello and welcome to Stormy Gale Photography!

I have such a great time talking about photography and my photos in person that I thought it might be fun to share on my website.

For my first post, I just wanted to introduce myself to you. My name is Abbi Garcia, and I have an amazing husband and two adorable animals. I have always loved and felt a call to nature and being outdoors, from hiking in the mountains to helping in farm life. I learned so much about animals and crops and how the weather affects the daily lives of farmers. As I grew, my fascination for weather increased, and I felt a call to become a meteorologist. I wanted to help people and let them know of upcoming weather, while photographing clouds on the side. I went to school and received my degree in meteorology and then found myself in the National Weather Service as a meteorologist! It was a dream come true…until it wasn’t. After a lot of prayer and thought, I decided to quit and move with my husband and our furbabies to one of my favorite states.

It’s here in this beautiful state of Colorado that I decided to pursue the call I felt on my life for the love of the outdoors and sharing it with others through landscape and nature photography. I just love the idea of capturing how naturally beautiful the earth is: the colors, the landscapes, and the animals and sharing what I see through my lens.

I can’t wait to share more of my journey and the story behind my photos in posts to come. Thank you so much for reading and stay tuned for my next post!


Where Did the Name Come From?